Wednesday, September 23, 2009

2009年9月23日 暗



Tuesday, September 22, 2009

When everything was well,

Things start to go worse. Now my father just got retrenched. We don't really want him to find another job as it would just be the cycle of being kicked out again It has been going on for 4 years now already. Actually, I should be happy. This lasted for 3 years. Also good lah this time. He didn't even teach the new people anything, but although I should be on my father's side, I do not want to make a stand here, as I'm not closely involved. Nevertheless, I would want to highlight that people should stop being so competitive as they would be upset when the results are not in their favour.

I helped 2 failures get their Distinctions. Both are people whom I care about. I don't really feel sad, unless in that case of Chinese O level, I still feel sore. I think that a real 'Thank You' celebration could be done to make me feel appreciated, and they do not fully claim the credit would make me feel better. Therefore, the person who really touched my heart today, I say 'Thank You'. It's the people like you that make me continue to have the drive and perseverance to help others. Although Singapore is practical, my teacher disagrees, saying character counts. Well, I just hope that God will bless me, and the world will be a better place.

Monday, September 21, 2009

But today, I'm happy

But today, I'm happy
the cold wind blowing in the door like MV scene
This is how I feel when I'm happy

but my mother just came and close the door
say the food (for dinner) will get cold

my happiness became, like the wind, lesser

2009年9月20日 闷



Sunday, September 20, 2009

2009年9月6日 阴



Sunday, September 6, 2009

2009年9月6日 云



Thursday, September 3, 2009


I didn't know that some people are actually concerned, worried about me. Hence, I'm sorry. But I haven't got this warm feeling for a very, very long time. Though it will be better if that special someone 会因为这个而靠近一点,但这不是我,不是你想看见的我。所以,我满足了。


Tuesday, September 1, 2009





风刺我的脸 雪割我的口

