Saturday, June 20, 2015

20 Jun 2015

Helped someone with directions, flagged and waited for a taxi for her. A great chat talking with a fellow countryman. Join me in encouraging this!

#bekindtooneanother #ellen #nationofkindness

Monday, June 1, 2015


My next singer I'm going to follow and track the progress is 丁当. Under 五月天's record label 《相信音乐》, she is relatively new but got to great fame now. Under deep scrutiny, 丁当 has already collaborated with 五月天 in her first album 《离家出走》。五月天 member 怪兽 acted in the MV of 《可不可以》;the song was also written with their help. Amazingly I actually never heard most of the songs, and relegated to liking 2 songs in the first album in 2007, and only 1 song in her next album created one year later, which is of the trend during that time. Of course, when she is marketed with 魔幻力量 and 家家 in her third album 2009, the aggressive marketing shot her to fame and she continued to ride it till now. In the future, she will continue to better herself as she already has made it clear she is within the ranks of those who will not fade.