Thursday, November 25, 2010

Feelings from Song


Everything is now either in my Gmail Chat or here. Yay! No more posting on Facebook!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

21 Nov 2010

Looks like now, I will keep a weblog of some sorts, seeing this being the first post. Facebook is a no-no, since everyone can see what I wrote. Gmail chat, may not be nice for those, who can see it when they are online. On this blog, not much people know. Even for the few of them who I gave access to, I can at least be comforted by the fact that I can trick myself into thinking there's no one here. of course to prevent myself from going on and on, I think limiting this to 15 minutes would be nice enough.Then again, it's not like I can on the computer every time, so I'm not sure, how long can this keep up.

This should not be confused with my rantings in my house, which will have a similar title format (date), and if I just stop procrastinating, and find some free time, I should be getting started before the end of this year. Those will be labelled 'Diaries', anyway. Talking about end of the year, I should continue to finish writing my storybook.

The thing to say today, is that I finally got around to restarting my pull-ups, after maybe a month of people being there everyday. Still embarrassed a bit due to my inferiority. Apparently, it seems that the time I put in gym for the past 1 month, doesn't seem to help. I still can't do one complete one! It's infuriating, seeing the dateline is around May.

This is 5 minutes which means that if I type 15 minutes each time, it should be more than enough.

However, i still think it's too long for the first post, but I think it'll get shorter next time. Alas, I'll stop here.