Today, the second day of Christmas, is Boxing day, where everyone will box up all their decorations for next year. When I was young, I thought Boxing day was the day of some big international boxing fight. It was so literal-yes, you may laugh, but how will people think of "boxing" as in "box up decorations"? Anyway, I learnt its true meaning a this year during a Geography lesson.
Apparently, Santa didn't come yesterday. Out of the many items that I lack, I wanted an MP3. Why not a computer or cash, you may ask.
- At night, my parents watch television. Me at the computer, playing while music blasted out of its speakers. So as not to disturb my parents while letting me hear my music, I could use the MP3 earphones.
- I get motion sickness easily. When I listen, I get into a wonderland of my own. Hence, I block everything out. Experimented it on my way to Japan on a school trip, I vomited through the 1st or 2nd hour, but when I listened to music, nothing happened on the way back.
- I can practice my singing.
- I love hearing songs.
Next thing, some of you may be aware I have a website hosted at Google Page Creator. But they are moving over to Google Sites. At the same time, I would like to change the name from NeoCrase where it sounds so cliche to The Melvus Hideout. The URL will be changed to
Thank You and have a Merry Christmas!
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