Friday, December 26, 2008

On the second day of Christmas, I bring to you...

... 2 updates!

Today, the second day of Christmas, is Boxing day, where everyone will box up all their decorations for next year. When I was young, I thought Boxing day was the day of some big international boxing fight. It was so literal-yes, you may laugh, but how will people think of "boxing" as in "box up decorations"? Anyway, I learnt its true meaning a this year during a Geography lesson.

Apparently, Santa didn't come yesterday. Out of the many items that I lack, I wanted an MP3. Why not a computer or cash, you may ask.
  1. At night, my parents watch television. Me at the computer, playing while music blasted out of its speakers. So as not to disturb my parents while letting me hear my music, I could use the MP3 earphones.
  2. I get motion sickness easily. When I listen, I get into a wonderland of my own. Hence, I block everything out. Experimented it on my way to Japan on a school trip, I vomited through the 1st or 2nd hour, but when I listened to music, nothing happened on the way back.
  3. I can practice my singing.
  4. I love hearing songs.
Since it benefits everyone, isn't it the best present?

Next thing, some of you may be aware I have a website hosted at Google Page Creator. But they are moving over to Google Sites. At the same time, I would like to change the name from NeoCrase where it sounds so cliche to The Melvus Hideout. The URL will be changed to Melvin and I decided that "themelvushideout" will be too long. In the end, we came up with a few suggestions. Why not help us decide telling us what you think?

Thank You and have a Merry Christmas!

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