Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Do this NOW! before you forget

As you have read in the news, there will still be school for Victoria School. (DO your hw.) Please note the following from Mr Ron Tan.

  1. Go to VS Website and download TRAVEL DECLARATION FORM. Get it signed, even if you didn't go overseas. You need the form to enter school on Monday.

  2. Bring your thermometer on Monday. If not, you have to pay $10 to buy a new one in school. 

  3. Just don't come to school and go to a doctor if you are feeling unwell on Monday. Even if you haven't travelled overseas!

  4. Please ensure that you have self-quarantined for 7 days before coming back to school if you have returned to Singapore only on/after the 22nd June from an affected area. Contact your FT/AFT if you need to take leave of absence from school. If you are feeling unwell (even if you have no fever), go see a doctor and do NOT report to school on Monday. Everyone must practise social responsibility!

  5. While you are at the VS Website, get your timetable!

I've added the links to it. Please pass on the message to everyone even from other classes, your juniors. I would like to clarify something. In the "Notes to Parents" under Paragraph 5, it says "required to re-submit the travel deeclaration form, attached together with this letter, when school re-opens." The correct thing is you only need to submit the form. Leave the "Notes to Parents" online.

 Do NOW!

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