Sunday, July 19, 2009

Singapore OK... or Not? Episode 5: No Drinking of PLAIN water in MRT!

Welcome to the another episode of Singapore OK... or Not? Today, we will discuss about the newest rule imposed on us by the authorities.

Singapore is getting more and more unreasonable. We all know how Singapore is a fine country and it just keeps getting finer. The latest addition is the penalty of drinking plain, colourless, odourless, tasteless water. Or any other form of beverage for that matter. Although I think it’s ridiculous, the only reason I can think of why the authorities put up is this. Someone spilled a whole bottle of water. The water seeps in between the gaps and touches an electrical wiring and cause a fire or an explosion. But after all these years, would normal functional adult human beings tip over a bottle of water for fun, laughter, peace and joy? I highly doubt it.

Humans have this wonderful reflex action that when a whole bottle is spilled, he will wake up and stop any further “damage”. And the water will only be absorbed into his shirt. If the water touches the floor, even by dripping, then call me there to see it. The worst thing to come out of it is humiliation of the poor victim.

Babies deprived of milk and other adverse effects are easily raised by other members of the public. The objective of this post is to show how spilling a bottle of water will not have any dangerous consequence on the carriage, commuters or otherwise.

That's my take on this. What's yours? Send in your thoughts as comments in the box below or click on the link! Thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next episode.

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