Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Muay Thai lesson!

It's such a great opportunity to be given the chance to learn this. I have to write the skills down otherwise I will forget.

Note the differences between boxing and Muay Thai

The stance is different. In Boxing, one faces 45 degrees to his opponent, and the rear (right) leg is almost behind the front leg. Muay Thai places the legs apart in a more horizontal direction.

Two, boxing closes the fists, whereas in Muay Thai, they are open as fingers are supposed to dig into the person's face. Hence, all jabs (left hand), are like a high-five, with a focus on the heel of the palm as point of impact.

Knees are straight forward with the twisting of arms and body an important part, and kicks are either using the front or ball of the foot.

When someone comes and puts arms around neck, eg strangling, put one arm over his arm of that side, and reach past his chin to the opposite shoulder and twist body. If doesn't work, do the same for the other arm, and twist.

If he bear hug around the waist, stick out butt, and open legs wider (by doing a small jump if necessary). Place arms from outside and lock his elbow between your body and your elbow. Both arms will interlock at a very low height below his arms. Twist body, and follow up with a knee or a kick.

And all the sounds that come out during the jabs and kicks become normal, and not awkward.

PGP 2014 100 minute mins min 

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